2019 Term 3 Events
Primary 4 Camp
On 5th July 2019, the Primary 4 students experienced a fun-filled day of activities during the Primary 4 Outdoor Adventure Camp. Students went through various team-bonding activities in the morning before heading to Hougang Primary School’s Outdoor Adventure Site.
The camp was an eventful one as students tried various outdoor elements such as bouldering and rock walls, challenge rope courses and also the low elements. Students were able to appreciate the activities for the day and got a taste of high and low elements, which would be present in the residential Primary 5 camp the following year.
Team Bonding games in YCKPS.
Observing safety while bouldering. Students challenged themselves to complete the high elements.
Having lunch before heading out for high elements. Keeping the ball in the air as a group.
Visit to MK@Fernvale on 12 July 2019 By Lower Primary Teachers
A group of 10 lower primary teachers visited MK@Fernvale Primary School on the 12 July. The objective of this learning journey was for the lower primary teachers to understand more about the MOE Kindergarten curriculum as well as some of the pedagogical approaches so that they can better customize their lessons to engage the lower primary students.
Some of the teachers shared that the students learn through play and authentic experiences. The syllabus gets students ready for primary education. Some routines are taught to the students so that they can better adapt to primary education. The school has many colourful learning spaces that engage the students as well as this allows the classroom to be very vibrant.
Science QQ Programme
The Science Department has been running the Quality and Quantity (QQ) Programme for our P6 students since Term 2 to better support them in their journey towards PSLE. The main objectives of this programme are to have more targeted revision for the P6 students based on the main PSLE topics and to help them further improve their grades. The science teachers came together at the start of the year to design topical worksheets on identified topics after analysing the PSLE papers for the past few years. The P6 teachers also work with a selected group of students on certain Thursday afternoons to aid them in their revision.
Science Buskers Festival 2019
On Monday of Term 3 Week 1, three P3 students and five P5 students took part in the audition round of the Science Buskers Festival 2019. The Science Department participates in this annual competition where students do a “show-and-tell” on any science topic in a creative and engaging manner. Our three teams put in much effort to prepare and practice for their “show-and-tell”, and all of these culminate in a splendid performance in front of the judges during their auditions!
Of the three teams that went for the audition round of the Science Buskers Festival 2019 earlier in the term, one of them made it to the finals of the competition! On Friday and Saturday last week, the team from Resilience-1 busked to the public and panel of judges at Plaza Singapura.
18th Elementz Science Project Competition & Exhibition
The Science Department took part in the 18th ElementzScience Project Competition & Exhibition organised by Anderson Secondary School. We sent out three teams of five students each, and these selected P5 and P6 students had been working with their teacher mentors on scientific investigative projects since Term 2.
The teams investigated on natural cures to fungal infections, ways to make eco-friendly bioplastics and approaches to improve the quality of recycled papers, and presented their projects to a panel of judges. They did us proud as they achieved a Gold Award, Silver Award and Bronze Award. The awards are a recognition of the depth of investigative design, conciseness of poster display and good oral presentation skills.
Global Sustainable Development Programme 2019
From 15 to 18 July, our Resilience-1 students participated in the Global Sustainable Development Programme (GSDP) organised by Canberra Primary School. Besides the students from the two Singapore schools, students from South Africa and China also took part in the GSDP. Over these four days, our students made friends with other students from different nationalities as they participated in various learning activities in their groups. The students underwent a challenge-based learning facilitated by Apple and built a model of sustainable city for living, working and playing in the future. They also went on a learning journey to Sustainable Singapore Gallery to enrich their learning and flew kites there as they bonded further with their group mates. Additionally, as part of our bicentennial commemoration, the students went on an Augmented Reality trail at Singapore River. Throughout the group interactions, our students were praised for being very helpful and well-mannered!
Furthermore, students from each school shared on their prides, with our school putting up two skits on our very own NEWater and Changi Airport. The last day of the GSDP ended with a cultural performance from each school. Our Resilience-1 students performed a medley of Singapura, Chan Mali Chan and Rasa Sayang using their ukuleles to showcase Singapore as a multi-cultural and multi-racial society. Their performances were so wonderful that they received many compliments from the staff and students from other schools!
Our students had a great time participating in the GSDP. Through the students’ reflection, they are now more aware of the need to take care of our environment so that it will be sustainable for the future. The students also picked up 21st century competencies such as teamwork, communication skills and respecting and accepting differences. Most of them even commented that they will recommend this programme to their juniors!
Greening Schools for Biodiversity 2019
As part of our school’s ALP, selected P5 students participated in the Greening Schools for Biodiversity (GSB) Programme by NParks. The aim of the programme is to encourage student participation in appreciating and supporting local biodiversity. In the first week of July, these students were introduced to native biodiversity, and they learnt basic identification of flora and fauna before conducting a biodiversity audit of our school.
On 15 July, the same group of students attended a customised horticultural session conducted by a horticulturist from NParks. In this session, they learnt more about the flora in our school and designed a planting layout plan. These students will continue to carry out biodiversity audits, green selected parts of the school compound, and create a biodiversity trail for others in the subsequent phases of the programme.
Training For P3 and P5 class monitors
The teachers of the student leadership team, Miss Mary Chia, Miss Lim Huey Ling, Miss Leong Bao Ru, Mdm Chen LiFen, Mdm Huda and Mr Liu Huaqing organized and conducted a workshop for all P3 and P5 monitors. They engaged them through role-play so that they could better understand their role as a class monitor. The class monitors shared that they had learnt the skills to manage their peers.
Training for P4 Monitors (Peer Support Programme)
The objective of the training is to provide the Peer Supporters (P4 class monitors) a chance to surface issues that they or their classmates experienced in class or out of class. They have been provided training in listening and communication skills. They will be journaling their reflections and sharing them with Mdm Raynitha who is the teacher in charge of the programme. Mdm Raynitha will also be meeting up with the P4 class monitors on a regular basis to touch base with them so that she can help them with their issues as well as surface them to the form teachers and the year head.
Safety Leadership Programme For Prefects
60 prefects from primary 3 to 5 were involved in a safety programme. Facilitators from the Workplace Safety and Health Council conducted the training. The objective of the training was to develop the awareness of the prefects in the various safety aspects in the school. Through the training, the prefects were engaged and they learnt the key message of:
Look - Be mindful of your actions
Think - Look out for safety and people around you
Do - Act Safely
They were also involved in designing posters for the various school locations and the safety precautions. Mdm Maheswari and Miss Emily Ee were the teachers who organized and facilitated the session. These are some photographs of the sessions.