2019 Term 2 Events
Student Leadership Trip To West Malaysia
Our 20 student leaders departed for Malacca on Sunday (17 March) early in the morning. Many of their parents came to send them off at the school. Our students visited Sekolah Kebangsaan Durian Tunggal in Malacca where they had a wonderful social and cultural immersion experience with the students there. They did batik painting and had team building activities with their friends there. We are thankful for the warm hospitality of our friends from Durian Tunggal!
Fathers@School - Laser Tag(30 March)
On 30th March 2019, a cool Saturday morning saw close to 40 pairs of father and child gathered at the school hall to have an exciting round robin laser tag shootout session. For many of the fathers and their children it was their first time playing together as a tag team. The dad and child teams had to strategically work to outlast their opponents. At the end of the day, there were smiles all around with hi-5s as the dads and children shared a memorable full-filled time playing and bonding together. Click here to find out more!
International Friendship Day
We commemorated International Friendship Day with an in-house produced video, an assembly skit, recess busking and recess booths. In the school library, information on IFD was also displayed. Check out the pictures below to have a glimpse of what our students experienced.
Experimenting the use of Coding in the teaching of Mathematics
2 of our colleagues decided to design another lesson that used Sphero for students to apply the concept learnt in the 8-point compass after seeing the joy in students to see Mathematics concept coming alive during their previous experiment. This time, students hone their communication skills so that they could programme their Sphero to complete the challenges. The students worked in pairs. One student will use the 8 point compass direction to communicate to the other student so that he can apply the code for Sphero to move in the specific direction. Teamwork and the clarity of instructions by applying what they learnt in 8 point compass were the takeaways for the lesson.
2019 MTL Fortnight
The 2019 MTL Fortnight focuses on reading, with the aim to let reading come alive! The department hopes to create interest in our students to pick up MTL books to read. Students went through a variety of activities in and out of the classrooms. Even though the recess booth activities has ended last week, the students will be going through MTL workshops and Cultural Performances in Semester 2 to provide for more exposure to the learning of their mother tongue languages.
The MTL department would like to extend their thanks to all the parent volunteers who helped them during the recess booth activities from 8 April to 12 April.
Nature through Drama - When the Students Meet the Squirrels
On Friday last week, students from Resilience-4 performed a short skit in front of the P4 to P6 students during EL DEAR. The title of the skit is “When the Students Meet the Squirrels”. This drama performance is part of our school’s effort in our ALP as we participated in the Science Communication for community in Nature Ambassadors Programme by NParks. Our students were assigned the Nature through Drama specialization module where they were required to create a 10-minute drama performance on a topic related to Singapore’s biodiversity. Our students underwent training from NParks, drafted a script and rehearsed for this drama performance.
ICT-infused Pedagogy Pilot Programme with Responsibility 1
Each child in the selected class will be provided with an iPad for use during curriculum time. The Pilot Programme will allow us to investigate where mobile technology fits into our teaching and learning environment. It also allows for us to gather information to make informed decision moving forward. On 11 April 2019, the class has been equipped with 1 Apple TV and a mobile cart of 30 iPads. The subject teachers will start to put in place discipline in handling the device, routines in the use of the devices as well as focus on cyberwellness to ensure that all our students understand that the device is a learning tool both in school and at home; and they are committed to self-discipline and personal responsibility.
Values In Action(VIA) Exposition 2019
Our Values in Action (VIA) Exposition is organised yearly as it serves as a good platform for our students to showcase to the whole school the VIA projects that they have done. The theme for this year’s VIA Exposition is ‘Value your values, Act upon it’. Through the various school VIA programmes, our students demonstrated our school’s 6 core values by showing care and respect to their schoolmates and teachers, being responsible for their work, displaying integrity in their daily activities, giving their best and taking pride in all their endeavours. During the 2-day exposition, different groups of students, such as our P5 Water Conservation Ambassadors shared their projects to create awareness on the topic on “Every Drop Counts”. Our Friends of Singa Ambassadors and Social Change in Action student leaders also initiated VIA projects to advocate for issues that they are concerned about, such as reducing the use of plastic, proper recycling, showing kindness while on social media, stop bullying, keeping toilets clean for others, and sharing with the elders on the use of smart phones etc.
P5 Water Conservation Ambassadors sharing their projects with their schoolmates on water conservation through creative ways such as games, mascots, quiz and presentations.
Fun and creative activities were lined up for the students to nurture the joy of learning and students were encouraged with tokens after collecting 5 stamps on their VIA Passports.
Student leaders from Social Change in Action Programme went on stage to share with their schoolmates on their concerns such as “saying no to bullying” and “how to recycle properly”.
Integration Programme - Workshop for International Students
On Friday (12 April), a workshop for selected international students and their buddies was conducted. Through the workshop, our international students learned more about the cultures of different ethnic groups in Singapore, including the different festivals that we celebrate, the traditional costumes that we wear, and some of our local favorite food.
2019 Earth Day
Our School commemorated Earth Day & Earth Hour on 8 April 2019. A variety of activities was put in place to create the awareness and advocate the idea of saving GAIA.
Assembly Talk
Ms. Faith Lee from SembCorp was invited to give an environmental talk to the students. She spoke on the 3Rs-reduce, reuse and recycle. The students and staff came to know what happens to our waste once it is deposited into the bins. Students also participated actively in the quiz at the end of the session and learned more on how to segregate waste for recycling.
Lights Out!
All non-essential lightings, fans and air-conditioners were switched off for an hour in the school. Through this experience, staff and students understood the importance of energy conservation and did their part in saving electricity.
Recess Activities Booths
Our students were engaged at the different booths during their recesses. They played a game titled “Love Your Food”. They also learnt more about Ocean Conservation and Forest Conservation. The students also pledged to savthe earth and penned down how they were going to be environment friendly-making every day Earth Day.
2019 P3 VIA Buddy Clean Workshop
Our Primary 3 students participated in the NEA Buddy Clean Workshop on 2 May 2019. During the 3-hour workshop, students were educated the importance of keeping our school clean and encouraged to take ownership of the cleanliness of the school and environment. Besides teamwork and communication skills, they were also equipped with various cleaning skills, which they put to practice immediately during the workshop to clean up their own classrooms as well as common areas like the canteen and corridors in the school. We believe that it is important to cultivate among the young in the daily cleaning, starting from their personal space to the school environment and community, so that they form good habits that can benefit them throughout their lives. Over some period, they will learn to take care of themselves, learn to be self-reliance and also able to show graciousness when in public.
2019 Tray Return Outreach Programme
Our Primary 4 and 5 Eco-Monitors participated in the Tray Return Outreach Programme, a collaboration with the National Environment Agency (NEA). On 12th April and 18th April, they went to Ci Yuan Hawker Centre to promote Tray Return amongst the patrons. Prior to the programme, the Eco-monitors were briefed by NEA and students volunteers from Anderson-Serangoon Junior College (ASJC) who shared their experiences and encounters to better prepare them for the actual day.
We worked hand in hand with NEA to ensure a clean environment towards a livable and sustainable Singapore. With this participation, our school hopes to build social skills of our Eco-Monitors by providing opportunities for them to interact and communicate with members of the public. At the same time, we aim to instill values of responsibility in our Eco-Monitors as users of public spaces and care for others.
At the end of the programme, the Eco-Monitors reflected that cleanliness of public spaces is the shared responsibility for all members of public and it is important for everyone to play their part.
Primary 5 Camp
For three days and two nights (16 April till 18 April), our P5 students, together with their FT and Co-FT spent their time together at Camp Challenge Sembawang. The students went through activities such as trekking/heritage trails, low and high elements stations, team bonding activities and a campfire segment. All the activities had the aim of providing opportunities for students to display teamwork, leadership and confidence. It also gave them a platform to practise resilience as they overcame challenges. Some of them shared that the high elements stations helped them to overcome their fear of heights. Others highlighted how they worked together to solve some of the problems posed by the low elements/team bonding activities. Indeed, we observed that the students enjoyed themselves as they learnt meaningful experiences from the camp.
All set to go for the camp
Part of the P5 memories
Confidence building.
Team-members encourage one another.