Values In Action(VIA) Exposition 2019
Our Values in Action (VIA) Exposition is organised yearly as it serves as a good platform for our students to showcase to the whole school the VIA projects that they have done. The theme for this year’s VIA Exposition is ‘Value your values, Act upon it’. Through the various school VIA programmes, our students demonstrated our school’s 6 core values by showing care and respect to their schoolmates and teachers, being responsible for their work, displaying integrity in their daily activities, giving their best and taking pride in all their endeavours. During the 2-day exposition, different groups of students, such as our P5 Water Conservation Ambassadors shared their projects to create awareness on the topic on “Every Drop Counts”. Our Friends of Singa Ambassadors and Social Change in Action student leaders also initiated VIA projects to advocate for issues that they are concerned about, such as reducing the use of plastic, proper recycling, showing kindness while on social media, stop bullying, keeping toilets clean for others, and sharing with the elders on the use of smart phones etc.
P5 Water Conservation Ambassadors sharing their projects with their schoolmates on water conservation through creative ways such as games, mascots, quiz and presentations.
Fun and creative activities were lined up for the students to nurture the joy of learning and students were encouraged with tokens after collecting 5 stamps on their VIA Passports.
Student leaders from Social Change in Action Programme went on stage to share with their schoolmates on their concerns such as “saying no to bullying” and “how to recycle properly”.